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Kelly_NWB is an Idaho native, and founder of NrthWestBound, an education and service center for AI needs in the community.

NrthWestBound is also a showcase of Kelly's work in the field of AI.

All content created by me and my AI robot buddies. (unless otherwise noted) 

The goal is to share with you the process, the result and add training/tutorials. We  are seeing some of the most fascinating tech advancements in my lifetime. So much so, that content creation has become my primary focus and I want to share.

Content Creator/Artist/Writer - The new me.  But what about “old me”?

Great question. I spent a career in the Technical Support/Customer Service world. (specifically high end server/storage customers at an enterprise level. A career that started in production, then support, then engineering and eventually leadership. 

Between mom and pop server solutions jammed in a utility closet to massive data centers, I have traveled the country solving customers problems. Some of them pretty big names you’ve all heard of, if I’m being honest. But, that’s neither here, nor there. Let’s get back to content creation.

My Approach

I value honesty, integrity and hard work. Not a fan of drama. We can create so much together when egos are checked and collaboration runs free.

I strive for balance. An even keeled mindset with an ability to see both sides of an issue, or objective is my superpower. C-level Execs or daily temp workers, I can work with anyone. May have written about balance a time or two.

Pog Mo Thoin : Kiss my ass

Or at least that’s what the tattoos on my arms say. I call it, like I see it. The message is basic, but fundamental. I support those who support me. All-in.

Why? because: Nothing is imposible.

(yes, I know.. I liked the Euro pronunciation more). 💚

Slainte: translation: Cheers