A.I. & Content Creation: a new era (Reposted Article)
Personal blog I wrote in 2023 about the connectedness of Web3, and AI. Specific to content creation. Originally posted on Medium.
”Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” — Helen Keller
AI is ruining everything and A.I. is the best thing since sliced bread. We hear it daily, “artists won’t be able to art”, “writers will be put out of business”. Yet, some will argue exactly the opposite with thoughts of the possibilities and expansion of ideas, coupled with ease of use. Content creation in the polarizing nature of today’s society is not immune to the debate. Rather than debate, I’ll illustrate (no pun intended) how a mix of it all CAN build a bridge between Web2 and Web3.
Take a walk w/ me. We’ll figure it out together. (human prompt, A.I image)
Bridging the Gap
I’m going to use A.I. (chat/images) to illustrate, mixed in with a healthy dose of yours truly. Each will be credited as such, but should be pretty easy to tell what’s what. (mistakes, nonsense and any other human emotion = me), the pretty stuff, and properly worded writing is chatgpt.
Because we are early. Ever heard that before? Yeah, me too. Early adopters for the win. But, it can be frustrating to know you’re on the precipice of awesome, and also realize it’s going to take some time for Joe six-pack (late majority) to get here. We need consumer volume to achieve that beloved “generational wealth” we keep hearing about.
Many are searching for the way to bring mass adoption to Web3 and I don’t think we’re anywhere near ready for that. Innovators are here, no doubt. Early adopters are as well. The problem? I think we’re looking for the late majority to enter, but imho, we need to focus on the early majority first.
Content creation can bridge that gap (as it were) between the groups and imho, artificial intelligence is a bigger help, than most realize. If you’re asking WTF is this guy talking about, let me get a little help:
A.I (talk to me pal).
Sure! Here’s a shortened version of the five stages of the Diffusion of Innovation theory:
It cut off Laggards, but who cares? They’re not here yet anyway, right?
Whoa, whoa, hang on… “Early Adopters: Willing to take risks and serve as role models for others”. That right there. That’s the message. I believe we can do better here. Less “what have you done for me lately “ and more “how can WE help do it better”.
Connectedness — an A.I image
I created this image pondering the topic. The freeway of “Early Majority” is right there. So close.
Web3 projects that embrace and understand we should be building an off-ramp for the Early Majority, should dominate. We are in a wonderful phase of Web3. The chance to blossom, the chance to create content that’s not only visually appealing, but symbolic of a more base desire to “produce” a connection with others that’s more than superficial. Real connections, with real people creating that off-ramp, that bridge. This is what building through a bear looks like.
But, how do we get there? How do we bust through this cloud of obscurity, and into spotlight? Is a bridge even the right approach?
Where we’re going, we don’t roads
If you went into the real world, right now, and asked: Are you familiar with NFT’s, you may get a couple of responses. 1) oh, the expensive jpeg monkeys? I don’t get it, or 2) huh? Nfts? Of course, my favorite is: oh, you’re still doing that crypto thing? Web3 doesn’t really have a brand, a concept that gets peoples attention. You pair that with some notorious swindlers/cheats in this space, toxic behavior, entitlement and bad actors and it’s no wonder this is called the wild wild west.
Yeah, fam, still early. No question, but how do we get to the next phase? My two cents: We build communities of people that can collaborate, create content and drive a message, product or brand.
I can ramble, if you’ve made it this far, you realize that. Some people hate this shit, would rather watch a video, listen to a song, join a space, whatever. I get it. Rather than fight it, I just do me, and you do you, but.. If we can leverage the tools we have, the collaborative content we can all create (in our own way), there will be an awakening by the general masses, “just like witches at black masses” (Sabbath for the win).
Sidenote, I hated those last two paragraphs, so I’m going to let our pal, A.I rewrite it to emphasize.
Lol.. Not perfect, but are any of us? I started with the Hellen Keller quote because I firmly believe we are all stronger, working together, in unison. I see talented people that blow my mind daily. Why wouldn’t I want to work with them?
And if I can use A.I to work along side me, and you, to get “the normies” on board, I think our Journey is just getting started.