Redgrin G. — Banished Legend #3309 - (reposted article)

Personal medium article I wrote about NFT gaming and on-chain play to earn. Can it work? (as it turns out…no.. no it did not work and Redgrin, sleeps with the digital fishes)

note: not my image, but is around the time I started learning AI art.

Born of the blockchain: A 6 Month Challenge

Welcome friends, to the adventures of Redgrin G. An NFT on the Ethereum block chain and cornerstone of what I’ll be writing about ad nauseum.

A real-time updated account of an NFT, on a mythical journey. With limited resources and locked in a wallet, Redgrin is battling 40+ other participants. On his journey, he will meet friends or foes and collect other nfts and prizes, which he then can use to advance. Biggest wallet at the end of 6 months = winner. And yes, by biggest wallet, I mean the most profitable.

Is Play 2 Earn or (P2E) real? Let’s find out together!

  • ** Editor Note and some clarification.. You know. The boring stuff***

First, I need to cross some T’s and dot some I’s, yeah?

What is the challenge? What do I have to do & how much $$ do you want?

(Great question. I like where your head is at. I’ll explain below. Secondly, you don’t have to do anything, or spend anything. Just watch Redgrin’s journey, comment if you like, or not. I don’t know how his journey ends, but I do know it will be “eventful”, and hopefully, entertaining.

Who is this for?

Whether you are a true DeFi-OG, or a jpg flipper/trader in cryptocurrency, or perhaps you just like pretty pictures (me too), I got you covered (I will cover all the lingo worries). My goal here, is to give you a real-time experience of what I believe to be the first, of it’s kind:

A TBRPG (turn based, role playing game). Automated, immutable and documented as it happens. As this journey unfolds, and Redgrin makes his moves, I will document them and eventually ask you.. yes you, to help with decisions in the game. (remember, we have 6 months. Slow is smooth)

Over the next couple of articles, I’ll break down who Redgrin is , how he got there and wtf he’s doing. We’ll start with just the basics and charge forward once we’re all caught up.

Why am I doing this?

After spending nearly a year in NFT’s and trying to explain to friends/family what this is, I've come to the conclusion that I’m either shite at explaining things, or this NFT world can be…daunting.

Barriers exist to getting into NFT’s. They range from financial, technical, time allocation or general knowledge to name only a few.. There are a million reason to NOT get into NFT’s. So, I’m taking the guess work out of it for you.

I’m taking my nft’s, my money, my characters and opening the kimono wide, so that others can see wtf this is all about. Risk = 100% mine.

About me: I’m no whale or monster spender. I’m just a GenX’r, tired of the corporate world and looking for something different. This challenge affords me the attempt to capture all of this so perfectly, I had to give credit to the person responsible for consuming the next 6 months of my life. One of the most inspiring and unique people I’ve ever never met.

“A game within a game. Every player starting with an equal footing for their chance at glory” ~ @Estebomb (genius artist, wonderful human and challenge creator/overlord)

So, I am using this challenge in multiple ways.

A: Cradle to grave with one NFT character. Start to finish, I am letting the game tell the story. I just update. He may win or lose. No clue. It’s kind of up to “him and us” at this point. (OG’s and gamers are going to freak out over this game). Wait till you see this fcking art. Not to mention, I could use all the degen help I can get. (Role Playing Game Virgin Alert =Me). So, I’m 100% open to feedback and actions to take for Redgrin. We can do this together. “Choose your own adventure”?

B: What is an NFT and what is this guy babbling about? I am going to have a section that almost looks like an FAQ. We will cover the most basic things and grow from there. We’ll cover everything from terms / lingo (a language of it’s own), to security, redundancy or anything you want to know. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll find it and we’ll both improve. Win Win.

You can learn this in 6 months.

Hell, if I did.. You got this. We got this. Together.

Lastly, as I capture Redgrin’s journey, the interactions and actual game play, I will also be turning that into a longer form for publication and will only step in with editor notes like this long ass diatribe on occasion. I promise. (and each time, I’ll note it to avoid confusion)

Second Lastly, — again, this is not some shill to get you to buy my stuff either. I’m not selling anything. The game is not “coming”, it’s already here and I’m playing it currently. The world needs to see this game and it’s my mission over the next 6 months to do exactly that in every way possible.

From the rooftops I will be yelling about this game/challenge. Think of it like “Survivor meets Magic the Gathering” and they invite “Risk, Monopoly and Dungeons and Dragons over for a massive 6 month, all-nighter, for real money.

Final Lastly — last of his name, earl of babble and third in line, etc., you get the point.

I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t a learning process for me as well. But I will keep it real AF, as the kids say. No bullshit, actual documentation and blockchain verification/education as I learn and grow myself. I’ve replaced spreadsheets with writing. Both from a documentation standpoint and an amazing story that’s unfolding in real time. So, while it’s going to be a blast, this journey, it is also going to be a data driven, metrics based performance experience.

Lots of “feelings” in NFT world. See it daily. Decisions based solely on “feelings”. Do you invest that way? Should you?

This GenX’r may not be “doing the corporate thing” any longer, so I’ll leverage the great Guy Ritchie for some inspiration to explain:

“Still warm, the metrics & data that course through these veins” ~Bullet Tooth Tony

Thank you to all who inspire. You all know who you are and we will get to you in the story. You know that’s happening. We have…time.

So, buckle up, strap in, get some snacks and watch me get my ass kicked on the blockchain, or…maybe…just maybe.. we blow this whole thing wide open and win this game/challenge.

That, afterall, is the goal, right?

Find out if P2E is real.



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A.I. & Content Creation: a new era (Reposted Article)